Capital Markets Day November 5, 2020

Summary of Inwido’s Capital Markets Day, 5 November 2020

Today, Inwido organizes a virtual capital markets day. The meeting will present, among other things, the updated strategy for continued growth and acquisitions, increased investment in the consumer-driven market and e-Commerce, Inwido's developed strategy for sustainability and the repetition of Inwido's financial goals.

The Capital Markets Day is led by President and CEO Henrik Hjalmarsson with participation from CFO and deputy CEO Peter Welin, Asger Drewes Jørgensen, Executive Vice President Business Area South and Lena Wessner, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Organization & Sustainability.

In his introductory presentation, President and CEO Henrik Hjalmarsson reflects on the Group's elaborated governance model, Inwido's segment, channel, geography and product positioning, acquisition and growth plan and work to create increased shareholder value. Investments that gave good results in the recently reported result for the third quarter.

“The third quarter was Inwido's best quarter to date in terms of profits and we delivered strong results, good organic growth, strong cash flows and the sixth quarter in a row with strengthened margins. Backed by a positive consumer market and high growth in e-commerce, net sales increased organically by 4 percent to SEK 1,716 M, Operating EBITA increased to SEK 247 M (203) and the operating EBITA margin increased to 14.4 percent (12.2). We also reduced net debt to 1.2x operating EBITDA (2.5x)”.

Asger Drewes Jørgensen, Executive Vice President Inwido South, presents how sales channel, e-commerce and segment strategies create success in the consumer and renovation market.

Lena Wessner, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Organization & Sustainability, presents Inwido's sustainability work and the new sustainability goal, which means that Inwido's operations will halve CO2 emissions by 2030 and be completely carbon neutral 2050.

The financial section concludes today's program. Here, CFO and deputy CEO Peter Welin concludes, among other things, how Inwido improved its margins for six consecutive quarters, how consumer-driven sales continued to grow, Inwido's strong cash flow development, the increased return on operating capital, Inwido's financial goals and Group sales per channel (see illustration below).

President and CEO Henrik Hjalmarsson concludes:

“As Europe's largest windows group, Inwido's business concept is to grow sustainably and profitably, focusing on the consumer-driven market, organically and through acquisitions, and we continue tirelessly to strengthen Inwido for expansion. This is done with investments in our business units, sharpened sales channel and segment positions, offensive development of e-commerce and intensified work with value-creating acquisitions

We are driven by our ambition to lead the development of the window industry in Europe and to strengthen our leadership position while improving people's lives indoors, developing our employees and generating value for shareholders”.



Capital Markets Day 2020 presentation in PDF