Capital Market Day on December 9, 2021

THE FULL CMD 2021 webcast can be seen here and download the full presentation in PDF at bottom of page.

Inwido launches new long-term targets with increased ambitions within growth and sustainability

Inwido's current financial targets were established in connection with the IPO in 2014. Since then the business and profit generation have developed continuously. In the updated targets the Group’s growth ambitions are accelerated, organically as well as through acquisitions. These are the new financial targets decided by the Board:

  • Growth (revised):Revenue target SEK 20 billion in 2030
  • Profitability (revised): >15% return on operating capital
  • Capital structure: Net debt in relation to operating EBITDA <2.5x
  • Dividend: Approximately 50% of net profit

Inwido also raises the bar when it comes to the group's sustainability initiatives with new ambitions:

  • Science Based Targets:
    Committing to SBTi verifies Inwido's long-term emission reductions to contribute to the 1.5-degree target
  • Two new sustainability KPIs:
    Waste and number of cases of discrimination and harassment
  • EU-taxonomy:
    In 2030, 75% of sales of windows and doors will be Taxonomy-aligned

President and CEO Henrik Hjalmarsson comments on Inwido's long-term targets;

“Our new long-term targets emphasize a more growth-oriented Group with clear ambitions to continue the consolidation of the European market. By also adding new initiatives within sustainability we connect our financial targets with our contribution to a more sustainable world”, says Henrik Hjalmarsson, President & CEO of Inwido.