Corporate governance and policy risks

Risks associated with Group executives making decisions that do not agree with Inwido’s strategy, internal guidelines and policy documents. Furthermore, employees at Inwido and others with a close relation to Inwido, as well as its customers and suppliers, could commit acts that are unethical, illegal (for example, in violation of applicable corruption and bribery legislation) or that otherwise contravene applicable legislation and regulations or Inwido’s internal guidelines and policies. If Inwido’s internal controls and other measures to safeguard compliance with laws, regulations, internal guidelines and policy documents prove insufficient, Inwido’s reputation may be damaged and its operations, financial position and earnings could be negatively affected.

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Inwido develops internal control procedures on an on-going basis. Examples include the division of duties between the Board and the President and CEO, instructions for local managing directors, reporting instructions and Inwido’s code of conduct.