Summary of Inwido's Capital Markets Day, December 11, 2024
At the Capital Markets Day organized at At Six in Stockholm today, Inwido presents its roadmap to 2030 with the target of reaching SEK 20 billion in net sales.
The day begins with Inwido's President and CEO Fredrik Meuller, introducing the agenda and sharing his personal reflections after seven months as CEO. Inwido has a strong track record and lots of strengths to build on. For the last 10 years, the Group has delivered steady growth and good profitability.
Steve Hardy, joint Managing Director at Sidey Group in Scotland, presents how Sidey Group, acquired by Inwido in July 2023, achieves profitable growth and shares his reflections after one year as part of the Inwido Group. In conjunction with the Capital Markets Day Inwido also announces that its businesses in Scotland, Sidey Solutions and Walker Profiles, win landmark contracts, initially worth £22.5 million over two years. The two contracts are the largest in Inwido’s as well as the two companies' history.
Sidey Group Financial Performance:
Inwido operates in an attractive market, boosted by the green transition. The market, which is highly fragmented, is undergoing considerable change, offering attractive M&A opportunities in both existing and new markets. The EU’s “Green Deal” is altering the playing field, adding to the organic growth potential. Minna Keränen and Miikka Linna, both with Pihla Group in Finland, presents how sustainability is a business driver for them.
The presentation continues with a discussion among the Business Area Heads, Mads Mehlsen, Antti Vuonokari, Bo Christensen and Jonna Opitz, on the topics Sustainability, Leadership and organic growth agenda. The discussion is moderated by Lena Wessner, EVP Human Resources, Organization & Sustainability.
A financial review rounds off the day. Peter Welin, CFO and deputy CEO, presents the numbers showing the development over the last 10 years. Despite challenging markets in the last two years, margins have remained stable. With its flexible business model, Inwido has been able to adjust capacity and costs in accordance with market development. He reiterates the Group's long-term financial goals with a turnover of SEK 20 billion by 2030, ROOC >15%, net debt in relation to operating EBITDA <2.5x, and a dividend of approximately 50% of the net profit.
Starting from the Q4 report 2024, Inwido introduces a new sales split: Consumer/Project sales instead of Consumer/Industry sales. The new sales split has 63% Consumer sales vs. 37% Project sales, September 2024 LTM, compared to 73% Consumer sales vs. 27% Industry sales for the same period. Order intake and order backlog will also be split to better illustrate fluctuations within Project sales.
For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Meuller, President and CEO
Tel. +46 (0) 734 22 70 11
Annika Falk, VP Communication & PR
Tel. +46 (0) 706 02 13 71